Wednesday, April 18, 2007

E-STAT searching

Three best ways to search E-STAT:
1. Use the Search CANSIM or Search Census functions for keyword searches:
For CANSIM:\English\CII_1_E.htm and
For Census:\English\E-Main.htm
2. Use the CANSIM Table Directory. This directory lists all tables, alphabetically by subject and then numerically. It includes current and terminated tables. A link to the Directory can be found at the bottom of the CANSIM search screen (scroll down) or through the User Guides link on the E-STAT sidebar.
3. Search using The Daily. Click on The Daily link on the sidebar. If there are CANSIM tables relating to your search topic, they will be listed near the end of The Daily articles. DO NOT click on these links — clicking on links in The Daily will take you to the commercial ($) version of CANSIM. Copy down the table numbers and go through E-STAT to access CANSIM.

Marion Smith, Education Consultant, Statistics Canada